Waves of Vogue

Waves of Vogue

Sunday 14 September 2014

A Fruity Refreshment!

Hello and Assalamualaikum Beauties!  

Today I am going to share how I make my absolute favourite smoothie! It is so easy and simple to make and fruit smoothies are the perfect way to feed your body the nutrients that it needs. This smoothie will be a refreshing start to your morning and will only take 3-4 minutes to make!

Lets begin! 

All you need is:
1 ) Strawberries (5-6 fresh /or/ 1/3 cup frozen)
2) Raspberries (Handful fresh /or/ 1/3 cup frozen)
3) Banana (One)
4) Strawberry Sorbet (1/4 cup) (milk, yogurt, or water may be used as alternatives)
(Makes one serving)
Then just put all of these ingredients into a blender, blend, and enjoy!